Reflections on my values often come to my mind.
How can I consciously manage my life honoring my highest core values?
As I have already felt it in my skin, I know misalignment between our values and practical life demands can inadvertently lead us to live on autopilot, losing sight of what is truly important to us.

Just as sunlight filters through the trees to illuminate the forest, exploring and understanding our core values can bring clarity and purpose to our lives. The journey of flourishing often involves uncovering these deeper values.
It is so easy to embark on that automatic day-to-day ‘have to’ or ‘must’ routines and lose sight of the track, our track…
In addition to introspection, becoming aware of misalignment and its effect prompted me to research.
It ends up that this is a question of life's well-being.
Have you ever felt that your life is a maze of choices?
Well, your values are your blueprint, the practical circuitry guiding you to set meaningful goals.
Values aren't lofty ideals confined to philosophy; they are practical tools that shape our daily decisions and guide us toward life.
Science tells us that values are one important part of the decision-making neurocircuit through which we evaluate our goals and choose adequate action steps.
Why does this matter? Because aligning your daily decisions with your values isn't just a theoretical concept; it's a tangible path to balance and well-being.
So, the next time you find yourself drowning in an endless sea of tasks, feeling overwhelmed and drained within the confines of a 24-hour day that never seems ample enough to complete your to-dos, and achieving them provides no solace to your soul, and your days, weeks, months feel like sleeping through your fingers… STOP.

Ask yourself for your Values:
Is this important to me?
Why is this important to me?
What am I leaving behind for this?
Perhaps you conclude you are where you want to be. Being conscious of that will make you feel grounded and en route.
Or you may find it useful to rethink some aspects of your life and realign them in accordance, making some different choices. You will feel in control and more aligned with that.
Whatever your conclusion and your chosen path, one thing for sure is to remember: You can always pause for reflection and choose your action steps, but you cannot pause time. The life clock is ticking as your heart is beating, and each day you live won’t repeat. Each day is a one-time experience, so have the best of it.
In the midst of life’s demands and the ceaseless ticking of the clock, remember that every day is a unique opportunity, a white canvas waiting for you.
So, connect with your values and let them be more than guiding stars; turn them into the practical tools that shape your journey. Incorporate them into your daily decisions, and witness how they become the compass leading you to the best of each passing day. Each instant, a chance to beautifully compose your life tapestry and ensure that it is colored with vivid meaningful moments enlivened with your values.